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This past SuperBowl was epic! For once it saw the GOAT, Tom Brady, win his 7th SuperBowl, and on the other hand it, once again, produced a lot of awesome commercials. Here are some of the best:


  • Keerattaya Singhsilarak says:

    I couldn’t agree more this year SuperBowl is really awesome. I wasn’t a fan of SuperBowl, but this year advertisement is really great that I start to watch it. They use many famous person to promote such as Drake and Samuel Jackson.

  • Nakamol Khiaojan says:

    This year’s ads was so cool, I just knew how big superbowl is 3 years ago and their ads quality hasn’t gone down in a bit. To be honest I was hoping the reddit ad to be on the list though hahah.

  • Noppachat Rom M. says:

    This year SuperBowl is very wonderful. Normally, Superbowl is the sport game that everyone in the U.S pay attention to because it’s very very popular and usually during the break, there is a famous artist to present their music which is a kind of promote commercial ( In this year they have Khalid to perform the show). Therefore, many companies are try to produce the advertisements that relate to SuperBowl to gain the attention’s costumer to buy their product.

  • Prawravee Suwantawit says:

    I couldn’t agree more that this year SuperBowl ads are amazing even if I didn’t follow much about it. Yet, I still saw a lot of people mentioned and complimented about their creativity for attracting people. I love how their commercial used ethos; they used the celebrities to promote the event. Also, the way they creatively presented the product and promoted SuperBowl at the same time is super dope!

  • Phisanu N. says:

    I saw many ads like this on Facebook. I never thought that that is for Superbowl like Toyota. I am a fan of SuperBlow each shows, each performances that artists represent through stage is so amazing like Katy Perry, Beyonce. They so legendary.

  • Aunthika Phonpruksa says:

    In-State Super Bowl becomes a famous sport of the season. Everyone enjoys Super Bowl memes including the advertising in a TV commercial. It’s making money forvU.S. People while this season of the game occurs.

  • Patteera Atsavajulamanee says:

    Of course, the Super Bowl and Super Bowl shows are huge every time. But no one can’t deny that the advertisements of Super Bowl are another highlight that gets people really interested. And I quite agree with each other the top ten articles have chosen. Each ad is attractive and clear to sell, which really gets the consumer interested.

  • Sippakorn J. says:

    I think it’s really nice to see Superbowl ads being Superbowl ads. You know, the usual absurdity and companies trying to one up each other with weirdness. I remember back when the pandemic and quarantine started, and a lot (and I mean A LOT) of corporations came up with essentially the same ad about “these trying times, we need to get through it together…” I get what they were trying to do but most of those ads really left a bad taste in people’s mouths with big businesses telling them that it’s not easy being in a pandemic and all that. So, I was afraid that this year Superbowl won’t be any different, but I was happily surprised to see that it was the old familiar Superbowl commercials after all.

  • Suwapa H. says:

    Super Bowls is a huge event that people are waiting and enjoy it every year, especially the commercials part which they did a great job in this year! People enjoyed a show from Khalid and the commercial was great, which got lots of consumers attention and interested.

  • Nontawan y says:

    I found it really interesting that SUPERBOWL continuously gains many attention from people. Since the ads is really enjoyable and fun to watch, SUPERBOWL has many clients for sure! That is why SUPERBOWL ads are successful

  • Pitchaya Jenjirawong says:

    Even though I don’t know much about Superbowl but I really have to say that their advertisements are always amazing. It’s always creative and interesting. I’m looking forward to the next year Superbowl! I bet it will be even more awesome.

  • Jirayu Kuhakan says:

    I not really interested in sport that much but these Superbowl ads so creative.

  • Donchanok Piyaram says:

    I never watch Super Bowl before because American football is not quite popular in Thailand. Thank you for providing these amazing commercial, it so creative.

  • Chawakorn p. says:

    Super Bowl is a phenomenon !! All of it makes a lot of money. Unfortunately, Thai people are not interested in American football.

  • Sukanya P. says:

    Big thanks for sharing best Super Bowl 2021 ads. It made me know more how the impact of Super bowl is. This year gain many interesting ads and I’m interested in recently.

  • Raksima Chandrakulsiri says:

    Personally, not a fan of superbowl but I cannot deny that this year’s superbowl ads are amazing! Thankyou for collecting all these different ads. Looking forward to see next year’s ads.

  • Pawe P. says:

    I couldn’t agree more that superbowl this year is awesome! And the ads about the superbowl was amazing , it show that people in U.S take an interest to superbowl so much. In thailand don’t really have something like this.

  • Nathaphad Jampavong says:

    I’m a lazy woman who’s not very interested in sports, especially American football.It’s a very far-fetched sport, hardly getting in the way of eye contact, but it’s undeniable that this ad is interesting. It was made to be interesting, fun, and it gave me the most interesting mood!

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